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subastar una obra de arte

English translation of subastar una obra de arte

auction an art work

The phrase 'subastar una obra de arte' in Spanish translates to 'auction an art work' in English. This typically refers to the process of selling art by offering it up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder in an auction. It is a common method of selling high value items such as unique art pieces.

Example sentences using: subastar una obra de arte

Mi primo decidió subastar una obra de arte para recaudar fondos para su organización benéfica.

English translation of Mi primo decidió subastar una obra de arte para recaudar fondos para su organización benéfica.

My cousin decided to auction a piece of art to raise funds for his charity organization.

In this sentence, the verb 'subastar' is used to express an action taken by 'my cousin' for a reason 'to raise funds for his charity organization'. The phrase 'una obra de arte' is the direct object receiving the action.

El museo estaba considerando subastar una obra de arte rara para su restauración.

English translation of El museo estaba considerando subastar una obra de arte rara para su restauración.

The museum was considering auctioning off a rare work of art for its restoration.

Here, the action of 'auctioning off (subastar)' a 'rare work of art (una obra de arte rara)' is being contemplated by 'the museum' for a purpose, which is 'its restoration'.

Después de una larga deliberación, decidimos no subastar una obra de arte heredada de nuestra abuela.

English translation of Después de una larga deliberación, decidimos no subastar una obra de arte heredada de nuestra abuela.

After a long deliberation, we decided not to auction off a piece of art inherited from our grandmother.

In this case, the action 'not to auction off (no subastar)' is applied to 'a piece of art inherited from our grandmother'. The decision is made 'after a long deliberation' by the subject of the sentence which in this case is 'we'.

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