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English translation of soltero


The Spanish translation for 'single' is 'soltero'. It is used in the context of describing one's marital status, indicating that the individual is not married. The use of 'soltero' is common in both spoken and written Spanish. For instance, one might say 'Soy soltero', which translates to 'I am single'. It is also used in the context of describing single items or units.

Example sentences using: soltero

Prefiere estar soltero

English translation of Prefiere estar soltero

He prefers to be single

In this phrase, 'prefiere estar soltero' states the preference of an individual to be 'soltero', in other words, single.

Juan es soltero

English translation of Juan es soltero

Juan is single

This sentence is referring to Juan's marital status. Soltero refers to a single, unmarried man in Spanish.

Ella no quiere ser soltera

English translation of Ella no quiere ser soltera

She does not want to be single


Todos mis amigos son solteros

English translation of Todos mis amigos son solteros

All my friends are single

Solteros is the plural form of soltero, which refers to multiple people who are single or unmarried.

Soltero no significa solo

English translation of Soltero no significa solo

Single does not mean alone

In this case, 'soltero' is compared with another state of being 'alone', showing how being single does not necessarily imply being alone.

Estoy feliz de ser soltero

English translation of Estoy feliz de ser soltero

I am happy to be single

This example demonstrates a sentiment - happiness - about the state of being 'soltero', or single.

Mi madre quedó soltera

English translation of Mi madre quedó soltera

My mother became a single

This phrase uses soltera to describe a woman's state after a relationship ends. 'Quedó soltera' is similar to saying 'became single'.

Ella es una soltera codiciada

English translation of Ella es una soltera codiciada

She is a coveted single woman

Here soltera is used with the word 'codiciada', which translates as coveted. In this context it refers to a single woman who's highly desired by others.

Es el último soltero del grupo

English translation of Es el último soltero del grupo

He is the last single one in the group

The phrase 'último soltero' refers to the last person who is still unmarried or single in a certain group.

¿Estás soltero o casado?

English translation of ¿Estás soltero o casado?

Are you single or married?

In this context, 'soltero' is used to ask about someone's marital status.

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