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solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad

English translation of solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad

request loyalty card

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad' translates to 'request loyalty card' in English. This is often used in retail or service industry contexts, where a customer might use this phrase to ask for a loyalty card from a store or company. Having a loyalty card usually allows the customer to accrue points or rewards for their purchases, incentivizing them to continue shopping with the same establishments for future purchases.

Example sentences using: solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad

Quisiera solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad en su tienda.

English translation of Quisiera solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad en su tienda.

I would like to apply for a loyalty card at your store.

This sentence is used when someone wants to apply for a loyalty card in a store. Loyalty cards are often used by businesses to reward repeat customers.

¿Cómo puedo solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad en su restaurante?

English translation of ¿Cómo puedo solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad en su restaurante?

How can I apply for a loyalty card at your restaurant?

This is a question sentence. The person is asking for information about the process to apply for a loyalty card in a restaurant.

Para obtener descuentos, necesitará solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad.

English translation of Para obtener descuentos, necesitará solicitar tarjeta de fidelidad.

To get discounts, you will need to apply for a loyalty card.

This sentence is explaining the necessity of having a loyalty card in order to obtain discounts, probably in a shopping context.

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