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solicitar tarjeta de cliente

English translation of solicitar tarjeta de cliente

request customer card

The Spanish phrase 'solicitar tarjeta de cliente' translates to 'request customer card' in English. It's used in business or service contexts where a company may offer a card to its customers for various benefits. This could be a loyalty card, a credit card, or any other type of card that might require an application or request process. The verb 'solicitar' is often used in formal or business contexts to mean 'request' or 'apply for'. 'Tarjeta de cliente' refers to a 'customer card' of some sort.

Example sentences using: solicitar tarjeta de cliente

Para disfrutar de descuentos necesitas solicitar tarjeta de cliente.

English translation of Para disfrutar de descuentos necesitas solicitar tarjeta de cliente.

To enjoy discounts, you need to apply for a customer card.

This phrase is an instruction commonly found in retail stores, informing customers that they can get discounts by applying for a customer card.

No olvides solicitar tarjeta de cliente cuando vayas al banco la próxima vez.

English translation of No olvides solicitar tarjeta de cliente cuando vayas al banco la próxima vez.

Don't forget to apply for a customer card the next time you go to the bank.

This phrase is a reminder to someone not to forget to apply for a customer card during their next visit to the bank.

Si quieres hacer tus compras más fácilmente en línea, puedes solicitar tarjeta de cliente.

English translation of Si quieres hacer tus compras más fácilmente en línea, puedes solicitar tarjeta de cliente.

If you want to make your online shopping easier, you can apply for a customer card.

This phrase is giving advice that applying for a customer card can make the process of online shopping easier.

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