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English translation of sofá


A sofa is a piece of furniture for seating two or more people in the form of a bench, with armrests, which is partially or entirely upholstered, often fitted with springs and tailored cushions.

Example sentences using: sofá

El sofá es de cuero.

English translation of El sofá es de cuero.

The sofa is made of leather.

This sentence describes the material of the sofa. The phrase 'es de' is equivalent to 'is made of' in English.

El sofá es muy cómodo.

English translation of El sofá es muy cómodo.

The sofa is very comfortable.

This is a simple sentence stating the comfortability of the sofa. 'Es' is a verb which represents 'is', and 'muy cómodo' means 'very comfortable'.

Dejé mi teléfono en el sofá.

English translation of Dejé mi teléfono en el sofá.

I left my phone on the sofa.

This sentence shows usage of the phrase 'en el sofa' meaning 'on the sofa'. 'Dejé mi telefono' means 'I left my phone'.

El gato está en el sofá.

English translation of El gato está en el sofá.

The cat is on the sofa.

This sentence informs where the cat is located. 'Está' is the verb estar used when indicating location.

Necesito un nuevo sofá.

English translation of Necesito un nuevo sofá.

I need a new sofa.

This sentence shows the speaker expressing a need or want for a new sofa using the verb 'necesito' which means 'I need'.

Me gusta este sofá.

English translation of Me gusta este sofá.

I like this sofa.

The verb 'gusta' is used to express liking or preference over something. 'Este' refers to 'this' in English.

El sofá es de color rojo.

English translation of El sofá es de color rojo.

The sofa is red in color.

'Es de color' is a common phrase used to describe the color of something.

El sofá es para tres personas.

English translation of El sofá es para tres personas.

The sofa is for three people.

This phrase communicates the capacity of the sofa using the phrase 'es para tres personas' which literally translates to 'is for three people'.

Voy a comprar un sofá.

English translation of Voy a comprar un sofá.

I'm going to buy a sofa.

This phrase declares an intent to purchase a sofa. 'Voy a comprar' is a future tense phrase which means 'going to buy'.

El sofá es grande.

English translation of El sofá es grande.

The sofa is big.

This is a straightforward description of the size of the sofa using the adjective 'grande' which means big or large.

El sofá está al lado de la ventana.

English translation of El sofá está al lado de la ventana.

The sofa is next to the window.

This introduces the phrase 'al lado de', meaning 'next to' in conversational Spanish. It is used to indicate the position of the sofa relative to the window.

El sofá es grande pero cómodo.

English translation of El sofá es grande pero cómodo.

The sofa is big but comfortable.

This sentence introduces the conjunction 'pero', which means 'but', whilst describing the sofa.

Me gusta leer en el sofá.

English translation of Me gusta leer en el sofá.

I like to read on the sofa.

This sentence uses 'Me gusta' to express liking for an activity - reading on the sofa. 'Leer' means 'to read'.

Tu gato está durmiendo en el sofá.

English translation of Tu gato está durmiendo en el sofá.

Your cat is sleeping on the sofa.

This sentence uses the verb 'está durmiendo' - 'is sleeping', to describe the action of the cat on the sofa.

Podemos mover el sofá al otro lado.

English translation of Podemos mover el sofá al otro lado.

We can move the sofa to the other side.

This sentence introduces the verb 'podemos', it means 'we can'. 'Mover' is the verb for 'move', hence the sentence ‘We can move the sofa to the other side’.

El sofá necesita ser limpiado.

English translation of El sofá necesita ser limpiado.

The sofa needs to be cleaned.

This sentence introduces the phrase 'necesita ser' meaning 'needs to be'. It is used to indicate necessity of an action, in this case, cleaning the sofa.

Voy a comprar un cojín para el sofá.

English translation of Voy a comprar un cojín para el sofá.

I'm going to buy a cushion for the sofa.

This sentence uses the phrase 'voy a comprar', which means 'I'm going to buy'. The preposition 'para' is used to indicate 'for' the sofa.

Mi libro está debajo del sofá.

English translation of Mi libro está debajo del sofá.

My book is under the sofa.

The phrase 'debajo del' is introduced, it represents 'under'. So, ' Mi libro está debajo del sofá' would mean 'My book is under the sofa'.

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