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English translation of sociólogo


The Spanish term 'sociólogo' directly translates to 'sociologist' in English. A 'sociólogo' is an expert in or a student of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. It encompasses the study of social institutions and their interlocking nature, as well as various social, cultural, political, economic, and historical forces that mold human behavior in society.

Example sentences using: sociólogo

El sociólogo está estudiando la dinámica de este grupo.

English translation of El sociólogo está estudiando la dinámica de este grupo.

The sociologist is studying the dynamics of this group.

In this sentence, 'sociólogo' is the subject performing the action of studying the dynamics of a specific group. It implies that the sociologist is actively analyzing and observing a categorization of individuals.

English translation of Un informe reciente de un sociólogo revela tendencias perturbadoras en la sociedad.

A recent report from a sociologist reveals disturbing trends in society.

In this example, 'sociólogo' is used as an entity that provides a report. It emphasizes the role of a sociologist as an observer and analyzer of societal trends.

La perspectiva única de un sociólogo puede ser muy valiosa.

English translation of La perspectiva única de un sociólogo puede ser muy valiosa.

The unique perspective of a sociologist can be very valuable.

This sentence uses the term 'sociólogo' to highlight the unique viewpoint a sociologist has, suggesting that their analysis or perspective can have great value.

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