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English translation of sociología


The word 'sociología' is a noun in Spanish that translates into English as 'sociology'. Sociology is the study of human behavior within society, including societal cultures, practices, and organizational structures. It's a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order and acceptance. In Spanish, the word 'sociología' is used in a similar context, referring to the examination and analytical understanding of social behaviors and structures.

Example sentences using: sociología

Estoy estudiando sociología en la universidad.

English translation of Estoy estudiando sociología en la universidad.

I am studying sociology at the university.

This phrase exemplifies a common way of stating one's major in Spanish, as in English. It is made up of a copular verb (estoy or 'I am'), a present participle (estudiando or 'studying'), the direct object (sociología or 'sociology'), and a prepositional phrase indicating the location (en la universidad or 'at the university').

La sociología es fundamental para entender las sociedades humanas.

English translation of La sociología es fundamental para entender las sociedades humanas.

Sociology is fundamental to understand human societies.

This sentence illustrates how Spanish often uses the verb 'es' from the verb 'to be' to express the importance (fundamental) of a noun (sociología or 'sociology') for doing or understanding something else (entender las sociedades humanas or 'understand human societies').

Muchos conceptos de la sociología son aplicables a la vida cotidiana.

English translation of Muchos conceptos de la sociología son aplicables a la vida cotidiana.

Many concepts of sociology are applicable to everyday life.

This sentence demonstrates the use of the phrase 'son aplicables a' which can be translated as 'are applicable to'. The noun 'conceptos' (concepts) and the prepositional phrase 'de la sociología' (of sociology) formulate a plural subject expressed in English as 'Many concepts of sociology'. 'La vida cotidiana' is a common Spanish phrase that refers to 'everyday life'.

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