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Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)

English translation of Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)

Limited Society (S.L.)

The Spanish term 'Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)' translates to 'Limited Society (SL)' in English. This is a type of private company structure in Spain, similar to a limited liability company (LLC) in other countries. It means the owners of the company have their liabilities for the company's debts limited to the amount they have invested in the company. This structure is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises and is characterized by its flexibility and simplicity in terms of decision-making and management.

Example sentences using: Sociedad Limitada (S. L.)

Mi tío es el director de una Sociedad Limitada (S. L.).

English translation of Mi tío es el director de una Sociedad Limitada (S. L.).

My uncle is the director of a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

In this sentence, the term Sociedad Limitada (S. L.) is used to refer to a business entity whose members aren't personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. 'Limited Liability Company' is the equivalent term in English, and is often abbreviated as 'LLC'.

La Sociedad Limitada (S. L.) debe presentar sus cuentas anuales para evitar sanciones.

English translation of La Sociedad Limitada (S. L.) debe presentar sus cuentas anuales para evitar sanciones.

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) must present its annual accounts to avoid penalties.

This sentence refers to a legal requirement for such companies in Spain. Just like in many other countries, limited liability companies in Spain must present their annual accounts to the government to show their financial status and performance to avoid penalties.

He invertido en una Sociedad Limitada (S. L.) para empezar mi propia empresa.

English translation of He invertido en una Sociedad Limitada (S. L.) para empezar mi propia empresa.

I have invested in a Limited Liability Company (LLC) to start my own company.

This sentence is from the point of view of an individual who has invested money into a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a type of business entity. Here, the individual is using the business entity as a means to start their own company.

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