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sociedad limitada

English translation of sociedad limitada

limited society

The term 'sociedad limitada' in Spanish refers to a limited liability company or corporation in English. This is a type of business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. This means that the company members are not personally liable for the company's debts and obligations beyond their investments in the company. Thus, the 'limited' in 'sociedad limitada' refers to this limit on liability, and not a 'limited society'.

Example sentences using: sociedad limitada

Mi hermano y yo estamos pensando en formar una sociedad limitada.

English translation of Mi hermano y yo estamos pensando en formar una sociedad limitada.

My brother and I are thinking of forming a limited company.

In this sentence, the speaker and their brother are considering the creation of a 'limited company' or 'sociedad limitada' in Spanish. This is a type of business structure where the liabilities of the company are limited to the amount of capital invested.

La sociedad limitada permite una responsabilidad limitada a los propietarios.

English translation of La sociedad limitada permite una responsabilidad limitada a los propietarios.

The limited company allows limited liability for the owners.

This sentence is highlighting the main advantage of a 'sociedad limitada', or limited company, which is that it provides the owners with limited liability. This means that they are only responsible for the company's debts up to the extent of their investment.

Es fácil convertirse en un miembro de una sociedad limitada.

English translation of Es fácil convertirse en un miembro de una sociedad limitada.

It is easy to become a member of a limited company.

This sentence is implying that the process to become part of a 'sociedad limitada' or limited company is straightforward. The term member here refers to a shareholder or part owner of the company.

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