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English translation of sociedad


The word 'sociedad' in Spanish refers to a group of individuals who share a common, distinctive culture and institutions, similar to the English word 'society'. It can be used in various contexts, but primarily it refers to a grouping of individuals in a shared community or network. Additionally, it can also mean a commercial or industrial enterprise.

Example sentences using: sociedad

La sociedad está cambiando rápidamente.

English translation of La sociedad está cambiando rápidamente.

Society is changing rapidly.

This simple sentence is stating that society is undergoing fast changes. It introduces the learner to use society in a sentence while also learning the verb 'to change'.

Ella es muy activa en la sociedad civil.

English translation of Ella es muy activa en la sociedad civil.

She is very active in civil society.

This sentence mentions a woman's involvement in civil society. The phrase 'civil society' in Spanish is commonly used to refer to the collective of non-governmental organizations and institutions.

Tenemos una sociedad muy diversa.

English translation of Tenemos una sociedad muy diversa.

We have a very diverse society.

This remark is talking about diversity in society. Spanish learners can learn not only the word for 'society', but also the word for 'diverse'.

Debemos mejorar la sociedad para todos.

English translation of Debemos mejorar la sociedad para todos.

We should improve society for everyone.

This aspirational sentence aids in understanding the usage of 'society' and how to express improvements and inclusiveness.

La sociedad necesita más educación.

English translation of La sociedad necesita más educación.

Society needs more education.

This sentence discusses the idea of societal need for education. It will help Spanish learners understand more complex societal issues.

La sociedad se beneficia de la tecnología.

English translation of La sociedad se beneficia de la tecnología.

Society benefits from technology.

This is referring to the benefits technology brings to society. The sentence lets learners practice simple present tense verbs and prepositions.

Es miembro de una sociedad secreta.

English translation of Es miembro de una sociedad secreta.

He is a member of a secret society.

This sentence introduces the concept of 'secret societies'. It helps learners in understanding the noun 'member' and the adjective 'secret'.

La sociedad está dividida por la política.

English translation of La sociedad está dividida por la política.

Society is divided by politics.

This sentence has a deep meaning referring to societal divide due to politics. It showcases how to use the word 'divided' along with 'society'.

Queremos vivir en una sociedad justa.

English translation of Queremos vivir en una sociedad justa.

We want to live in a just society.

This sentence expresses a desire for justice in society. It can improve the learner's understanding of hopes and ambitions in Spanish.

La sociedad de hoy tiene nuevos desafíos.

English translation of La sociedad de hoy tiene nuevos desafíos.

Today's society has new challenges.

This sentence speaks about the modern-day challenges society faces. It's a good sentence for learners to practicing understanding nouns and adjectives.

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