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English translation of socialista


The term 'socialista' is Spanish for 'socialist'. A socialist is a person who believes in socialism, which is a political and economic theory of social organization advocating that the production, distribution, and exchange of goods should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This ideology promotes equal opportunities and equal distribution of wealth.

Example sentences using: socialista

La mujer socialista lucha por la igualadad de derechos.

English translation of La mujer socialista lucha por la igualadad de derechos.

The socialist woman fights for equal rights.

This sentence reflects how a person with socialist beliefs actively fights for equality. In this example, the person is referred to as a woman. It is emphasizing the role and contribution of women in fighting for socialist causes.

El partido socialista ganó las elecciones.

English translation of El partido socialista ganó las elecciones.

The socialist party won the elections.

Here it's noting that a political party with socialist viewpoints has come out victorious in an election. This demonstrates the word 'socialista' used in a political context, showing how the political landscape can be influenced by socialism.

El modelo socialista se basa en la distribución equitativa de la riqueza.

English translation of El modelo socialista se basa en la distribución equitativa de la riqueza.

The socialist model is based on the equitable distribution of wealth.

This sentence talks about the fundamental principle of socialist ideologies. The socialist model believes in a fair share of wealth among all members.

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