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English translation of socialismo


Socialismo, translated to English as 'socialism', is a political, social, and economic philosophy that advocates for the means of production, distribution, and exchange to be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This ideology posits that the ownership and control of the resources, means and ends of production, should be shared by the community to prevent exploitation and ensure a fair distribution of wealth and services. Historically, socialism has been associated with an opposition to capitalism and the belief in a cooperative system replacing competitive private enterprise.

Example sentences using: socialismo

El socialismo es un sistema político que busca igualdad entre sus ciudadanos.

English translation of El socialismo es un sistema político que busca igualdad entre sus ciudadanos.

Socialism is a political system that seeks equality among its citizens.

This sentence describes socialism as a political system that aims to create equal conditions for all citizens. The goal of socialism is to distribute wealth equally among the population, therefore creating a society where everyone has the same opportunities.

En la época de la Guerra Fría, el socialismo representaba una amenaza para los ideales capitalistas de Estados Unidos.

English translation of En la época de la Guerra Fría, el socialismo representaba una amenaza para los ideales capitalistas de Estados Unidos.

During the Cold War, socialism represented a threat to the capitalist ideals of the United States.

This sentence refers to the tension between capitalist and socialist ideologies during the Cold War. The United States, a capitalist nation, viewed socialism as a threat to its economic and political system. As such, socialism became synonymous with anti-American values during this era.

Muchos jóvenes creen que el socialismo es la solución a los problemas económicos actuales.

English translation of Muchos jóvenes creen que el socialismo es la solución a los problemas económicos actuales.

Many young people believe that socialism is the solution to current economic problems.

This sentence is a reflection of the growing popularity of socialist ideas among young people. Given the economic difficulties many young people face, such as high student debt and difficulties entering the property market, some are turning to socialism as a potential solution to these issues.

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