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English translation of sociabilidad


The given word 'sociabilidad' doesn't actually mean sustainability in English. Instead, it translates to 'sociability', which refers to the quality of being sociable. This refers to being willing to engage in social interactions and showing friendliness towards others. This term can be used to describe people, animals as well as organizations or contexts that encourage comradeship and communal relationships.

Example sentences using: sociabilidad

La sociabilidad es importante para la convivencia armónica.

English translation of La sociabilidad es importante para la convivencia armónica.

Sociability is important for harmonious coexistence.

This sentence is stating the importance of being able to socialize well for living in harmony with others. It's a common idea shared in societies that value social interaction and communication.

Mi hermano necesita mejorar su sociabilidad.

English translation of Mi hermano necesita mejorar su sociabilidad.

My brother needs to improve his sociability.

In this example sentence, the speaker is stating that their brother needs to improve his social skills. This can mean he needs to be more outgoing, communicative or understanding in social situations.

Un alto nivel de sociabilidad puede ser beneficioso en muchos trabajos.

English translation of Un alto nivel de sociabilidad puede ser beneficioso en muchos trabajos.

A high level of sociability can be beneficial in many jobs.

This sentence suggests that being sociable can be an advantage in many work environments. It implies that skills such as networking, teamwork, and communication can contribute significantly to one's success at work.

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