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English translation of sobrio


The Spanish word 'sobrio' translates to 'sober' in English. It can be used in different contexts. In the physical sense, it refers to the state of not being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In a more figurative sense, it can also describe someone who is restrained or moderate in their behavior or expression, not extravagant or emotional. They are serious, sensible, and level-headed.

Example sentences using: sobrio

La decoración de la habitación es muy sobria.

English translation of La decoración de la habitación es muy sobria.

The room decoration is very sober.

Here, 'sobria' refers to the aesthetic style of the room, meaning it is simple, minimalistic, and unpretentious.

Juan siempre es sobrio cuando conduce.

English translation of Juan siempre es sobrio cuando conduce.

Juan is always sober when he drives.

In this context, 'sobrio' refers to the state of being free from intoxication, specifically while driving, which is a serious legal and safety obligation worldwide.

Ella tiene un estilo de vestir sobrio.

English translation of Ella tiene un estilo de vestir sobrio.

She has a sober dressing style.

In this example, 'sobrio' describes a person's dressing style that is elegant while being restrained and avoids excess or extreme fashion trends.

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