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English translation of soborno


The Spanish word 'soborno' translates to 'bribe' in English. It generally refers to the act of giving or receiving something of value to influence the actions of an authority or party. It's often used in cases of corruption, where officials may accept 'sobornos' to favor certain individuals or groups. It is important to note that the act of bribery is considered illegal and unethical in most societies.

Example sentences using: soborno

Rechazó el intento de soborno del criminal.

English translation of Rechazó el intento de soborno del criminal.

He rejected the bribe attempt from the criminal.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'soborno' in a scenario where someone is refusing a bribe. The speaker is indicating that the person, instead of accepting the bribe from the criminal, has rejected it.

El soborno es un delito en muchos países.

English translation of El soborno es un delito en muchos países.

Bribery is a crime in many countries.

This instance of 'soborno' is used to indicate the illegal nature of bribery. It states that in many countries, bribery is considered a crime, to show the reader how widespread the illegality of the action is.

La corrupción y el soborno son problemas serios en nuestra sociedad.

English translation of La corrupción y el soborno son problemas serios en nuestra sociedad.

Corruption and bribery are serious problems in our society.

This sentence uses 'soborno', along with 'corrupción', to highlight societal issues. This statement is expressing that both corruption and bribery are considered severe issues that are prevalent in the speaker's society.

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