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soberanía popular

English translation of soberanía popular

popular sovereignty

The term 'soberanía popular' in Spanish translates to 'popular sovereignty' in English. It represents a political doctrine or philosophical concept emphasizing the importance of the people's authority as they are the sovereign entity in a democracy. In other words, it stresses the fact that the power to govern should come from the people. This term often appears in discussions around democratic governance and the establishment of political power.

Example sentences using: soberanía popular

English translation of La soberanía popular es fundamental para la democracia.

Popular sovereignty is fundamental for democracy.

This sentence communicates the essential relationship between popular sovereignty and a functioning democracy, stating that the one is fundamental to the other.

English translation of El concepto de soberanía popular se originó durante la Revolución Francesa.

The concept of popular sovereignty originated during the French Revolution.

This sentence states historical context for the concept of popular sovereignty, attributing its origin to the French Revolution.

English translation of El gobierno debe respetar la soberanía popular como un principio básico de la ley.

The government must respect popular sovereignty as a basic principle of law.

This sentence addresses the legal and moral responsibility of government institutions to respect and uphold popular sovereignty, presenting this as a fundamental aspect of law.

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