analytical system
'Sistema analítico' is a spanish term that translates to 'analytic system' in English. An analytic system refers to a structured set of rules or methods used in analysis, whether it's mathematical, scientific or computational. This term might be utilized in data analysis, problem-solving and decision-making processes. It's crucial in conducting rigorous and systematic examinations in various fields - from business operations to scientific research.
In our organization, we use an analytical system to better understand consumption patterns.
This sentence implies that the organization uses some analytical tool or method to inspect and analyze the behavior of consumption among their customers or within their market.
Studying the analytical system can be complicated due to the numerous variables involved.
Here, 'sistema analítico' is looked at from a perspective, which includes a lot of variables, which adds to its complexity. But the understanding of it is no doubt beneficial for deeper insights.
The analytical system plays a vital role in the analysis of large volumes of data.
This sentence is implying that the role of an analytical system is crucial when dealing with large volumes of data, such as in data science or in businesses with large arrays of information.