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síntomas inequívocos

English translation of síntomas inequívocos

unequivocal symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas inequívocos' translates into English as 'unequivocal symptoms'. This phrase is made up of two words: 'síntomas', which means 'symptoms', and 'inequívocos', which means 'unequivocal'. In the context of health and medicine, 'síntomas inequívocos' would refer to clear, certain, or indisputable signs of a disease or illness.

Example sentences using: síntomas inequívocos

Los síntomas inequívocos de su amor son sus constantes llamadas y mensajes.

English translation of Los síntomas inequívocos de su amor son sus constantes llamadas y mensajes.

The unmistakable symptoms of his love are his constant calls and messages.

This phrase is used to express a situation where the actions of a person, such as constant calls and messages, clearly indicate that the person is in love.

Pedro sufrió de síntomas inequívocos de la influenza.

English translation of Pedro sufrió de síntomas inequívocos de la influenza.

Pedro suffered from unmistakable symptoms of the flu.

This phrase describes a situation in which a person, Pedro, exhibits clear and unequivocal signs of having the flu.

Esos son síntomas inequívocos de estrés laboral severo.

English translation of Esos son síntomas inequívocos de estrés laboral severo.

Those are unmistakable symptoms of severe work stress.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where a person shows clear signs of severe stress related to work.

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