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síntomas claros

English translation of síntomas claros

clear symptoms

The Spanish phrase 'síntomas claros' translates to 'clear symptoms' in English. This phrase is generally used in medical and health-related context to describe symptoms of a disease or a condition that are noticeable and easy to identify. For instance, high fever and cough can be 'síntomas claros' of a cold or flu. Thus, 'síntomas claros' refer to obvious, undeniable signs of health issues.

Example sentences using: síntomas claros

Los síntomas claros de la gripe incluyen fiebre y dolor de cuerpo.

English translation of Los síntomas claros de la gripe incluyen fiebre y dolor de cuerpo.

The clear symptoms of flu include fever and body ache.

In this sentence, 'síntomas claros' is used to describe evident or typical signs of a condition, in this case, it is the flu. These symptoms are well known and generally accepted as characteristic of the condition.

Los médicos pueden diagnosticar la enfermedad más rápida si el paciente presenta síntomas claros.

English translation of Los médicos pueden diagnosticar la enfermedad más rápida si el paciente presenta síntomas claros.

Doctors can diagnose the disease faster if the patient presents clear symptoms.

This sentence uses 'síntomas claros' to underscore that recognizable, typical symptoms of a disease can allow for a quicker diagnosis by medical professionals. We use the verb 'presenta' (presents) to talk about the symptoms that a patient 'shows'.

Algunas alergias no tienen síntomas claros, lo que puede dificultar su diagnóstico.

English translation of Algunas alergias no tienen síntomas claros, lo que puede dificultar su diagnóstico.

Some allergies do not have clear symptoms, which can make their diagnosis difficult.

The term 'síntomas claros' here signifies readily distinguishable or identifiable symptoms. This sentence relates that allergies might not always have such obvious symptoms, complicating their diagnosis.

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