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English translation of silvestre


The Spanish word 'silvestre' translates to 'wild' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that grows, lives, or exists in the wild, not tamed, or domesticated. It can refer to animals, plants, landscapes, or can be used metaphorically to describe a person with a free, unrestrained spirit.

Example sentences using: silvestre

El gato silvestre se escondió en el bosque

English translation of El gato silvestre se escondió en el bosque

The wild cat hid in the forest

This sentence describes a scenario where a wild cat, referred to as 'gato silvestre' in Spanish, is hiding in the forest. The Spanish word 'silvestre' is used here to describe the nature of the cat as being wild.

Las plantas silvestres son muy comunes en esta área

English translation of Las plantas silvestres son muy comunes en esta área

Wild plants are very common in this area

This sentence describes the popularity of wild plants, referred to as 'plantas silvestres' in Spanish, in a particular area. The term 'silvestre' is used to denote that these plants grow in the wild and are not cultivated.

La vida silvestre está protegida en este parque nacional

English translation of La vida silvestre está protegida en este parque nacional

Wildlife is protected in this national park

This sentence states that the wildlife, referred to as 'vida silvestre' in Spanish, is safeguarded in a certain national park. The word 'silvestre' is used to categorize the living organisms that are located in the wild, as opposed to in captivity or domestic conditions.

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