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English translation of siempreverde


In Spanish, 'siempreverde' is often used to describe trees or plants, which symbolizes their perennial nature, meaning they retain their green leaves throughout the year. Just like English, it can also be used figuratively to describe something that is enduringly fresh, interesting, or successful.

Example sentences using: siempreverde

El pino es un árbol siempreverde que se encuentra en muchas partes del mundo.

English translation of El pino es un árbol siempreverde que se encuentra en muchas partes del mundo.

The pine is an evergreen tree that can be found in many parts of the world.

This sentence introduces the term 'siempreverde' in the context of a pine tree, indicating that it retains its green leaves throughout the year.

La hiedra es una planta siempreverde muy resistente.

English translation of La hiedra es una planta siempreverde muy resistente.

Ivy is a very resilient evergreen plant.

Here, the term 'siempreverde' is used to describe ivy, a plant that maintains its green color throughout the year due to its robust nature.

Los cedros son conocidos por ser siempreverdes.

English translation of Los cedros son conocidos por ser siempreverdes.

Cedars are known for being evergreen.

In this instance, 'siempreverde' describes the characteristic of Cedar trees retaining their leaves all year round.

El siempreverde bosque de pinos proporciona un hermoso paisaje.

English translation of El siempreverde bosque de pinos proporciona un hermoso paisaje.

The evergreen pine forest provides a beautiful landscape.

This sentence shows how 'siempreverde' can be used to define a pine forest that stays green, contributing to the beauty of the landscape.

Plantas siempreverdes como el pino pueden sobrevivir a los duros inviernos.

English translation of Plantas siempreverdes como el pino pueden sobrevivir a los duros inviernos.

Evergreen plants like the pine can survive harsh winters.

This example illustrates that 'siempreverde' plants like pine, due to their nature, can withstand severe winter conditions.

Siempre me ha impresionado la belleza de los arbustos siempreverdes.

English translation of Siempre me ha impresionado la belleza de los arbustos siempreverdes.

I have always been impressed by the beauty of evergreen shrubs.

In this context, 'siempreverde' is used to describe shrubs that maintain their foliage and keep their green color throughout the year.

El abeto es otro ejemplo de un árbol siempreverde.

English translation of El abeto es otro ejemplo de un árbol siempreverde.

The fir is another example of an evergreen tree.

Here the term 'siempreverde' is specifically used to classify fir as a type of tree that retains its leaves throughout the year.

Los cactus son plantas siempreverdes que pueden sobrevivir en el desierto.

English translation of Los cactus son plantas siempreverdes que pueden sobrevivir en el desierto.

The cacti are evergreen plants that can survive in the desert.

This sentence applies the term 'siempreverde' to cacti, plants that keep their green color despite harsh desert conditions.

El siempreverde eucalipto es nativo de Australia.

English translation of El siempreverde eucalipto es nativo de Australia.

The evergreen eucalyptus is native to Australia.

In this example, 'siempreverde' is used to describe eucalyptus, a type of tree that is extends its leaves throughout the year and is originally from Australia.

English translation of La siempreviva es una planta siempreverde muy popular en jardinería.

The sempervivum is a popular evergreen plant in gardening.

This sentence uses 'siempreverde' to characterize sempervivum, a plant that is widely used in gardening because of its ability to keep color in all seasons.

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