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sesión de tarde

English translation of sesión de tarde

afternoon meeting

The phrase 'sesión de tarde' in Spanish translates to 'afternoon meeting' in English. In a work context, it refers to a meeting or gathering that is held in the afternoon. The word 'sesión' refers to 'session' or 'meeting' and 'tarde' means 'afternoon' in English. Thus, this phrase can also be used in various contexts where an event or activity takes place in the afternoon.

Example sentences using: sesión de tarde

El ciné esta ocupado durante la sesión de tarde.

English translation of El ciné esta ocupado durante la sesión de tarde.

The cinema is busy during the afternoon session.

This sentence is used to express that there are many people in the cinema during the afternoon session, usually this session can be between the hours of 12:00 and 17:00.

La sesión de tarde en la biblioteca es muy tranquila.

English translation of La sesión de tarde en la biblioteca es muy tranquila.

The afternoon session at the library is very quiet.

This phrase is stating that in the afternoon, specifically referring to the time period in a library (which could also be between around 12:00 and 17:00), it is very quiet. This could refer to there being fewer people, or that those who are there are being quiet.

Me gustaría reservar una mesa para la sesión de tarde en el restaurante.

English translation of Me gustaría reservar una mesa para la sesión de tarde en el restaurante.

I would like to book a table for the afternoon session at the restaurant.

This sentence is used when someone wants to make a reservation at a restaurant during the afternoon session, which could occur between lunch and dinner times, this is usually when the restaurant is less crowded.

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