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sesión de noche

English translation of sesión de noche

night session

The Spanish phrase 'sesión de noche' translates directly to 'night session' in English. This phrase could be used to describe an event, such as a meeting, concert, or even a study group, that takes place during the nighttime hours. Reflective of Spanish's rich and expressive phonetic nature, it provides a concise, albeit beautiful, way of describing these nighttime gatherings.

Example sentences using: sesión de noche

La sesión de noche del cine suele ser más concurrida.

English translation of La sesión de noche del cine suele ser más concurrida.

The night session of the cinema is usually more crowded.

This sentence refers to how popular or busy the 'night session' at the cinema can be. 'Night session' in this context refers to the screening of movies during the late evening or nighttime.

Nuestra banda toca en la sesión de noche en el club de jazz.

English translation of Nuestra banda toca en la sesión de noche en el club de jazz.

Our band plays in the night session at the jazz club.

This sentence means the speaker's band is scheduled to perform during the 'night session' at a jazz club. 'Night session' here refers to performance slots allocated for evening or night.

Estoy preparando mi presentación para la sesión de noche en la conferencia.

English translation of Estoy preparando mi presentación para la sesión de noche en la conferencia.

I am preparing my presentation for the night session at the conference.

In this sentence, the speaker is getting ready for their presentation that is scheduled during the 'night session' of a conference. The term 'night session' refers to the portion of the conference taking place in the evening or night.

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