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servicio militar (obligatorio)

English translation of servicio militar (obligatorio)

military service (obligatory)

The Spanish term 'servicio militar (obligatorio)' translates to 'military service (obligatory)' in English. It refers to a government policy which mandates all qualifying citizens to serve in the nation's armed forces for a certain period of time. The obligation to perform military service often comes at a certain age and may involve training and active duty. In some countries, military service may be voluntary, but in others, it continues to be compulsory.

Example sentences using: servicio militar (obligatorio)

Me gustaría ser médico, pero antes necesito cumplir con el servicio militar obligatorio.

English translation of Me gustaría ser médico, pero antes necesito cumplir con el servicio militar obligatorio.

I would like to be a doctor, but before I need to fulfill the compulsory military service.

This sentence is explaining that the speaker has a personal goal of becoming a doctor, but currently has a legal obligation to complete compulsory military service before they can pursue their medical career.

Es difícil encontrar trabajo después del servicio militar obligatorio.

English translation of Es difícil encontrar trabajo después del servicio militar obligatorio.

It's hard to find work after the compulsory military service.

The speaker in this example is expressing the difficulty of finding employment after they have completed their compulsory military service. This is a common concern for individuals after accomplishing a period of military enlistment.

Mi amigo tuvo que postergar sus estudios para el servicio militar obligatorio.

English translation of Mi amigo tuvo que postergar sus estudios para el servicio militar obligatorio.

My friend had to postpone his studies for compulsory military service.

In this example, the speaker is conveying that their friend had to put their education on hold in order to fulfill their mandatory military service. They are discussing the personal impact of mandatory military service laws on people’s lives.

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