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ser (un) maleducado

English translation of ser (un) maleducado

be (a) rude

The Spanish phrase 'ser (un) maleducado' translates to 'be (a) rude' in English. It is utilized when referring to someone's impolite or disrespectful behavior. The verb 'ser' means 'to be', and 'maleducado' translates to 'rude or poorly educated'. It is important to bear in mind that Spanish, like English, employs descriptive adjectives to describe the attributes or behavior of individuals, and 'maleducado' is an example of this.

Example sentences using: ser (un) maleducado

No debes ser un maleducado cuando estás en la casa de alguien.

English translation of No debes ser un maleducado cuando estás en la casa de alguien.

You should not be rude when you are in someone's house.

This sentence is advising against being impolite while at another's home. It is a suggestion about behavior, using 'ser un maleducado' to describe the negative behavior.

Ser maleducado no te va a ayudar a hacer amigos.

English translation of Ser maleducado no te va a ayudar a hacer amigos.

Being rude will not help you make friends.

This phrase is using 'ser maleducado' to express the idea that rudeness is not a good way to attract friendships.

A pesar de su riqueza, él sigue siendo un maleducado.

English translation of A pesar de su riqueza, él sigue siendo un maleducado.

Despite his wealth, he remains rude.

This sentence is using 'ser un maleducado' to describe a wealthy person who, despite his money, continues to behave rudely.

Tú puedes ser un maleducado, pero yo no.

English translation of Tú puedes ser un maleducado, pero yo no.

You can be rude, but I can't.

This phrase contains 'ser un maleducado' to express the idea that one person allows themselves to be rude, while the speaker doesn't permit themselves the same behavior.

Eligió ser maleducado en lugar de honesto.

English translation of Eligió ser maleducado en lugar de honesto.

He chose to be rude instead of honest.

This sentence includes 'ser maleducado' to describe a person who decided to behave rudely, rather than being honest.

Crecer en la ciudad no es excusa para ser un maleducado.

English translation of Crecer en la ciudad no es excusa para ser un maleducado.

Growing up in the city is not an excuse to be rude.

This phrase uses 'ser un maleducado' to express that being urban raised shouldn't justify rude behavior.

No sé por qué insiste en ser un maleducado.

English translation of No sé por qué insiste en ser un maleducado.

I don't know why he insists on being rude.

This phrase contains 'ser un maleducado' to express confusion about why a person continuously chooses to behave rudely.

Ser maleducado con los demás no te hará superior.

English translation of Ser maleducado con los demás no te hará superior.

Being rude to others will not make you superior.

In this sentence 'ser maleducado' is used to express that rudeness toward others does not make a person better than them.

Podría ser un maleducado si quisiera, pero prefiero ser amable.

English translation of Podría ser un maleducado si quisiera, pero prefiero ser amable.

I could be rude if I wanted to, but I prefer to be kind.

This phrase is using 'ser un maleducado' to express the speaker’s choice to be polite over being impolite, even though they have the potential for both.

Si decides ser un maleducado, habrá consecuencias.

English translation of Si decides ser un maleducado, habrá consecuencias.

If you decide to be rude, there will be consequences.

This sentence includes 'ser un maleducado' to convey that choosing to behave rudely will lead to further negative effects.

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