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ser un líder nato

English translation of ser un líder nato

be a born leader

The Spanish phrase 'ser un líder nato' translates to 'to be a born leader' in English. It's an idiom used to describe someone who naturally possesses the qualities of a leader. Such individuals usually have the innate ability to guide, inspire and influence others, they display a confident, self-assured nature and have a good understanding of decision-making. Often, others tend to look up to these individuals and follow their suggestions or commands.

Example sentences using: ser un líder nato

A pesar de su juventud, es evidente que él sabía cómo ser un líder nato.

English translation of A pesar de su juventud, es evidente que él sabía cómo ser un líder nato.

Despite his youth, it was clear that he knew how to be a born leader.

In this sentence, the phrase 'ser un líder nato' implies that the person, despite being young, possesses inherent leadership qualities and knows how to utilize them.

Para ser un líder nato, necesitas tener la capacidad de motivar a los demás.

English translation of Para ser un líder nato, necesitas tener la capacidad de motivar a los demás.

To be a born leader, you need to have the capacity to motivate others.

This sentence emphasizes on the necessary qualities one needs to have in order to 'ser un líder nato' or 'be a born leader', in this specific case, the ability to motivate others is highlighted.

Ser un líder nato no es fácil, requiere sacrificios y dedicación.

English translation of Ser un líder nato no es fácil, requiere sacrificios y dedicación.

Being a born leader is not easy, it requires sacrifices and dedication.

Here, the phrase 'ser un líder nato' is used to underscore the challenges and commitments required for an individual to be a 'born leader'.

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