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ser un caprichoso

English translation of ser un caprichoso

be capricious

The Spanish phrase 'ser un caprichoso' translates to 'being capricious' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a person who is impulsive and unpredictable, with behavior that often changes suddenly and for no apparent reason. It's typically associated with a negative tone and is not generally used to compliment someone. Capricious can also be used to describe things, like the weather, which can change rapidly and seemingly without reason.

Example sentences using: ser un caprichoso

Ser un caprichoso siempre lleva a problemas.

English translation of Ser un caprichoso siempre lleva a problemas.

Being whimsical always leads to problems.

This sentence expresses the idea that acting on a whim without thinking can often lead to problems.

Debes dejar de ser un caprichoso y tomar decisiones serias.

English translation of Debes dejar de ser un caprichoso y tomar decisiones serias.

You must stop being whimsical and make serious decisions.

This sentence suggests that someone needs to stop making decisions based on whims and instead make more serious, considered choices.

Esa niña tiende a ser un caprichoso.

English translation of Esa niña tiende a ser un caprichoso.

That girl tends to be whimsical.

This sentence describes a girl who, more often than not, acts on a whim or impulse.

Él afirma no ser un caprichoso, pero sus acciones muestran lo contrario.

English translation of Él afirma no ser un caprichoso, pero sus acciones muestran lo contrario.

He claims not to be whimsical, but his actions show otherwise.

This sentence talks about someone who denies acting on whims, however, their behavior shows the opposite.

Ser un caprichoso nunca te ayudará a alcanzar tus metas.

English translation of Ser un caprichoso nunca te ayudará a alcanzar tus metas.

Being whimsical will never help you achieve your goals.

This sentence suggests that achieving one's goals requires careful planning and decision-making, rather than acting on whim.

Puedes ser un caprichoso en tus vacaciones, pero no en el trabajo.

English translation of Puedes ser un caprichoso en tus vacaciones, pero no en el trabajo.

You can be whimsical on your holidays, but not at work.

This sentence implies that it's appropriate to be spontaneous and impulsive during holidays but not in a professional setting.

Si sigues siendo un caprichoso, perderás amigos.

English translation of Si sigues siendo un caprichoso, perderás amigos.

If you keep being whimsical, you will lose friends.

This sentence warns that continually acting on whims, without considering others, can lead to losing friendships.

No puedes ser un caprichoso toda tu vida.

English translation of No puedes ser un caprichoso toda tu vida.

You can't be whimsical all your life.

In this sentence, it's suggested that whimsical behavior isn't suitable for an entire lifetime, implying the need for growth and maturity.

Tras ser un caprichoso durante años, finalmente está aprendiendo a comprometerse.

English translation of Tras ser un caprichoso durante años, finalmente está aprendiendo a comprometerse.

After being whimsical for years, he is finally learning to commit.

This sentence describes a person who has acted on whim for years, but is now learning the value of commitment.

No deberías ser un caprichoso cuando se trata de tu educación.

English translation of No deberías ser un caprichoso cuando se trata de tu educación.

You should not be whimsical when it comes to your education.

This sentence advises that education requires careful decision-making and planning, not whimsical choices.

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