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ser respetuoso

English translation of ser respetuoso

to be respectful

The Spanish phrase 'ser respetuoso' translates into English as 'to be respectful'. This phrase is usually used to encourage individuals to show esteem or consideration towards other individuals or their beliefs, qualities, and rights. The usage encompasses all aspects of conduct in society, including interactions at home, work, school, and in public environments.

Example sentences using: ser respetuoso

Deberías ser respetuoso con tus mayores

English translation of Deberías ser respetuoso con tus mayores

You should be respectful to your elders

This sentence implies that one should show respect towards older people, following social norms.

Ser respetuoso es una característica importante

English translation of Ser respetuoso es una característica importante

Being respectful is an important characteristic

This sentence describes being respectful as a valuable trait to have.

Mi hermano está aprendiendo a ser respetuoso

English translation of Mi hermano está aprendiendo a ser respetuoso

My brother is learning to be respectful

This sentence centers around the speaker's brother, who is in the process of learning how to show respect.

Para ser respetuoso, uno debe escuchar a los demás

English translation of Para ser respetuoso, uno debe escuchar a los demás

In order to be respectful, one must listen to others

This statement gives advice on how to be respectful - by listening to what others have to say.

Intento ser respetuoso en todas las situaciones

English translation of Intento ser respetuoso en todas las situaciones

I try to be respectful in all situations

The speaker shares that they attempt to maintain respectfulness in every circumstance.

La profesora insistió en que debíamos ser respetuosos

English translation of La profesora insistió en que debíamos ser respetuosos

The teacher insisted that we should be respectful

This sentence conveys the message that the teacher emphasized the importance of being respectful.

Es un deber ser respetuoso con todos los seres vivos

English translation of Es un deber ser respetuoso con todos los seres vivos

It's a duty to be respectful to all living beings

This statement emphasizes that it is a person's responsibility to show respect to all forms of life.

Si quieres ser respetuoso, no interrumpas cuando alguien está hablando

English translation of Si quieres ser respetuoso, no interrumpas cuando alguien está hablando

If you want to be respectful, do not interrupt when someone is speaking

This sentence provides advice on respectful behavior, stating that one should not interrupt when another person is talking.

El niño está aprendiendo a ser respetuoso en la escuela

English translation of El niño está aprendiendo a ser respetuoso en la escuela

The child is learning to be respectful at school

This statement discloses that a child is learning about respect in a school setting.

Ser respetuoso significa tratar a las personas con amabilidad

English translation of Ser respetuoso significa tratar a las personas con amabilidad

Being respectful means treating people kindly

This sentence defines respectful behavior as treating others with kindness.

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