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ser objeto de un odio declarado

English translation of ser objeto de un odio declarado

to be the object of a declared hatred

The phrase 'ser objeto de un odio declarado' in Spanish translates to 'to be the object of a declared hatred' in English. It refers to an intense feeling of deep-seated dislike or animosity openly or publicly announced towards someone. It is typically used in situations where there is a strong negative sentiment expressed intentionally and unambiguously towards an individual or entity.

Example sentences using: ser objeto de un odio declarado

Muchos inmigrantes pueden ser objeto de un odio declarado en base a prejuicios raciales.

English translation of Muchos inmigrantes pueden ser objeto de un odio declarado en base a prejuicios raciales.

Many immigrants can be the object of declared hatred based on racial prejudices.

This sentence is illustrating how 'ser objeto de un odio declarado' is used to express the concept of being a target of declared or open hatred, in this case, due to racial prejudices against immigrants.

Los profesionales de la salud durante la pandemia a veces pueden ser objeto de un odio declarado debido a la falta de entendimiento público.

English translation of Los profesionales de la salud durante la pandemia a veces pueden ser objeto de un odio declarado debido a la falta de entendimiento público.

Healthcare professionals during the pandemic can sometimes be the object of declared hatred due to a lack of public understanding.

This example shows the use of the phrase 'ser objeto de un odio declarado'. In this context, it refers to healthcare professionals who may be targeted with open hatred or aggression as a result of public misunderstanding during a health crisis like a pandemic.

Los políticos corruptos deben ser objeto de un odio declarado de la sociedad.

English translation of Los políticos corruptos deben ser objeto de un odio declarado de la sociedad.

Corrupt politicians should be the object of declared hatred from society.

This usage of 'ser objeto de un odio declarado' is referring to the idea that corrupt politicians should be openly despised or hated by society. It shows a strong critique of political corruption.

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