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ser justo

English translation of ser justo

be just

The Spanish phrase 'ser justo' translates to 'be just' in English. This phrase is used to express fairness or justice in actions or decisions. For instance, it can be utilized in a context where someone is being encouraged or expected to make a decision that is fair and balanced, or to behave in an ethically upright manner. Its usage is broad and can apply in diverse situations where fairness, justice, or equality must be underscored.

Example sentences using: ser justo

Es importante ser justo en todos nuestros tratos.

English translation of Es importante ser justo en todos nuestros tratos.

It is important to be fair in all our dealings.

This sentence denotes the significance of fairness in all human interactions, particularly in transactions or dealings. 'Ser justo' in this context refers to having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own abilities, displaying neither arrogance nor sell deprecation.

Para ser justo, no tenía todas la información.

English translation of Para ser justo, no tenía todas la información.

To be fair, he did not have all the information.

This phrase is used when someone wants to indicate that a person's actions or decisions were justified under the circumstances. Here, 'ser justo' conveys a sense of fairness or reasonableness in someone's action due to having less information.

Qué bueno sería el mundo si todos decidieran ser justo.

English translation of Qué bueno sería el mundo si todos decidieran ser justo.

How good the world would be if everyone decided to be fair.

It is a hypothetical statement expressing a wishful scenario where everyone in the world practices fairness. 'Ser justo' here implies the act of extending justice, equality, and fairness to all.

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