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ser gratis

English translation of ser gratis

be free

The Spanish phrase 'ser gratis' translates to 'be free' in English. This phrase often refers to something being without cost or charge. For instance, if you go to a museum and there's no entrance fee, in Spanish, you might say 'El museo es gratis.' Which translates to 'The museum is free.' It's important to note that 'ser gratis' may also imply certain liberties or freedoms in certain contexts, but it's predominantly used to denote the absence of a financial cost.

Example sentences using: ser gratis

El software debe ser gratis para todos.

English translation of El software debe ser gratis para todos.

The software should be free for everyone.

This sentence uses 'ser gratis' to express the idea that the software should not have a cost associated with it. It is an example of how 'ser gratis' can be used in the context of goods or services.

Por ser gratis, mucha gente asistió al concierto.

English translation of Por ser gratis, mucha gente asistió al concierto.

Because it was free, many people attended the concert.

In this example, 'ser gratis' is used to explain why many people attended the concert. It indicates that there was no cost to attend, which resulted in a larger audience.

La educación debería ser gratis en todos los países.

English translation of La educación debería ser gratis en todos los países.

Education should be free in all countries.

This sentence uses 'ser gratis' to express a belief or an opinion that education should not have a cost and it should be freely available to everyone in all countries.

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