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ser de clase media

English translation of ser de clase media

being middle class

The phrase 'ser de clase media' in Spanish translates to 'being middle class' in English. It refers to an individual or family's socio-economic status which indicates whether one is neither very rich nor very poor. It is a lifestyle often associated with the bourgeoisie, where people can afford certain luxuries, yet still have to work to support their lifestyle. The concept of being middle class in different societies may vary, often underlying in the idea of a comfortable modest life that most strive for. In societal context it could also refer to the group of people accounting for most of the consumption patterns, contributing to the economy and often fighting socio-political battles for their rights.

Example sentences using: ser de clase media

Para ser de clase media, necesitas tener cierto nivel de ingresos.

English translation of Para ser de clase media, necesitas tener cierto nivel de ingresos.

To be middle class, you need to have a certain level of income.

In this example, it shows that being middle class is associated with a certain income level. It is using 'ser de clase media' to describe a socioeconomic status.

Pueden ser de clase media sin poseer una gran casa.

English translation of Pueden ser de clase media sin poseer una gran casa.

They can be middle class without owning a big house.

This example emphasizes that possessions, specifically a large house, do not necessarily determine if a person or family is considered middle class. It uses 'ser de clase media' to refer to the economic status.

Ser de clase media en este país significa tener acceso a la educación y salud.

English translation of Ser de clase media en este país significa tener acceso a la educación y salud.

Being middle class in this country means having access to education and health.

This example demonstrates that 'ser de clase media' in a given country involves certain privileges, such as access to education and healthcare. It points out the socioeconomic implications tied to the concept.

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