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ser de clase baja

English translation of ser de clase baja

being low class

The term 'ser de clase baja' translates to 'being low class' in English. It is used to describe a social status in society that is generally considered below average. This term can be perceived negatively, as it often implies financial struggles and lack of opportunities to improve one's condition, though it is not always used harshly and might sometimes simply reflect the socio-economic division of a society. The usage depends on the context and the intention of the speaker.

Example sentences using: ser de clase baja

Él siempre pensaba que ser de clase baja era un impedimento para sus sueños.

English translation of Él siempre pensaba que ser de clase baja era un impedimento para sus sueños.

He always thought being from a lower class was an impediment to his dreams.

This sentence demonstrates how 'ser de clase baja' (being from a lower class) can be used to express a person's socioeconomic status and its perceived implications.

La presión de ser de clase baja afectó sus decisiones de vida.

English translation of La presión de ser de clase baja afectó sus decisiones de vida.

The pressure of being lower class affected her life decisions.

In this sentence, 'ser de clase baja' is used to illustrate the influence of socioeconomic status on an individual's life choices.

Para muchos, ser de clase baja no es motivo de vergüenza, sino de orgullo.

English translation of Para muchos, ser de clase baja no es motivo de vergüenza, sino de orgullo.

For many, being from a lower class is not a source of shame, but of pride.

This sentence uses 'ser de clase baja' to express a perspective that views lower socioeconomic status as a source of pride instead of embarrassment.

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