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ser de clase alta

English translation of ser de clase alta

being high class

The Spanish phrase 'ser de clase alta' translates to 'being high class' in English. It refers to individuals who are part of the upper or elite class in society, typically characterized by wealth, influence, power, and superior access to resources. This term is often used in the context of discussions about social classes, wealth disparity, and economic systems.

Example sentences using: ser de clase alta

Para ser de clase alta, uno debe adherirse a ciertas normas y etiquetas.

English translation of Para ser de clase alta, uno debe adherirse a ciertas normas y etiquetas.

To be upper class, one must adhere to certain standards and etiquettes.

This sentence implies that a certain code of conduct and standards are required to be considered high class.

Muchos consideran que los gustos sofisticados suelen ser de clase alta.

English translation of Muchos consideran que los gustos sofisticados suelen ser de clase alta.

Many consider sophisticated tastes to often be upper class.

This statement suggests that having refined or sophisticated tastes is often associated with being high class.

Mi meta en la vida es ser de clase alta y estar financieramente libre.

English translation of Mi meta en la vida es ser de clase alta y estar financieramente libre.

My goal in life is to be upper class and be financially free.

This statement expresses a personal aspiration to become upper class and to achieve financial freedom.

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