The word 'septiembre' is the Spanish translation of the English word 'September'. Just like in English, it is used to denote the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is used in the same context as in English, for dating and time notation purposes.
Today is September 1.
In Spanish, the order to tell dates is 'day + de + month'. Here, 'Hoy' means 'today', 'es' is 'is' and 'de' signifies 'of'.
My birthday is in September.
In this sentence, 'Mi' translates to 'my', 'cumpleaños' means 'birthday', 'es' means 'is' and 'en' means 'in'.
The month of September starts the fall.
In this context, 'El' means 'the', 'mes' translates to 'month', 'de' means 'of', 'empieza' signifies 'starts', and 'otoño' is 'fall' or 'autumn'.
I am going to travel to Spain in September.
Here, 'Voy' translates to 'I am going', 'a' stands for 'to', 'viajar' means 'travel', 'a' signifies 'to' and 'España' is 'Spain'.
September is after August.
In this sentence, 'es' translates to 'is', 'después de' is 'after', and 'agosto' is 'August'.
September has thirty days.
Here, 'tiene' means 'has', and 'treinta días' translates to 'thirty days'.
September is the ninth month.
In this context, 'es' translates to 'is', 'el' is 'the', and 'noveno mes' is 'ninth month'.
It's hot in September.
In this sentence, 'Hace' means 'it is', 'calor' translates to 'hot', and 'en' means 'in'.
School starts in September.
Here, 'La' means 'the', 'escuela' translates to 'school', 'comienza' is 'starts' and 'en' signifies 'in'.
September is the month of the homeland in Mexico.
In this context, 'es' translates to 'is', 'el mes de la patria' is 'the month of the homeland', and 'en' means 'in'.