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sentir dolor

English translation of sentir dolor

feel pain

The Spanish phrase 'sentir dolor' translates to 'feel pain' in English. It is often used in contexts or situations where physical or emotional discomfort is being expressed. Just as in English, this phrase can be used in a literal sense, as when referring to physical pain, or in a more metaphorical sense, suggesting emotional or psychological distress.

Example sentences using: sentir dolor

Cuando tropecé, comencé a sentir dolor en mi tobillo.

English translation of Cuando tropecé, comencé a sentir dolor en mi tobillo.

When I tripped, I started to feel pain in my ankle.

This example sentence is demonstrating the use of 'sentir dolor' within a passive context, where an action happened to warrant the feeling of pain. The pain being experienced is directly linked to a preceding event - tripping.

Si practicas demasiado sin descansar, puedes sentir dolor.

English translation of Si practicas demasiado sin descansar, puedes sentir dolor.

If you practice too much without resting, you can feel pain.

In this case, 'sentir dolor' is being used to express a likely outcome if certain actions are not taken. It is a cautionary context, where the feeling of pain is avoidable by resting.

No puedo sentir dolor después de la cirugía.

English translation of No puedo sentir dolor después de la cirugía.

I can't feel pain after the surgery.

This sentence uses 'sentir dolor' to express an inability or lack of feeling pain. It's an aftereffect of an event, in this case, surgery. The phrase here shows that pain which might normally be present is not perceived.

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