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sentir confianza

English translation of sentir confianza

feel confident

The Spanish phrase 'sentir confianza' translates to 'feel confident' in English. It is a verbal phrase used to express a feeling of self-assuredness, certainty, and reliance on oneself. This can refer to one's attitudes in general or in specific situations. For example, one might 'sentir confianza' when they have thoroughly prepared for a test, or when they have developed a new skill.

Example sentences using: sentir confianza

Es importante sentir confianza en uno mismo para tener éxito.

English translation of Es importante sentir confianza en uno mismo para tener éxito.

It's important to feel confidence in oneself to succeed.

This phrase highlights the importance of self-confidence for achieving success.

Por su sonrisa, podía sentir confianza en su presencia.

English translation of Por su sonrisa, podía sentir confianza en su presencia.

Because of her smile, I could feel confidence in her presence.

Used to convey how a person's demeanor or actions can instill confidence in others.

Puedo sentir confianza en mi decisión después de hacer mi investigación.

English translation of Puedo sentir confianza en mi decisión después de hacer mi investigación.

I can feel confidence in my decision after doing my research.

An expression used when one's decisions are reinforced by thorough research or inquiry.

Sin embargo, sentir confianza antes del partido es crucial.

English translation of Sin embargo, sentir confianza antes del partido es crucial.

Feeling confidence before the match, however, is crucial.

A phrase used in a scenario where confidence before a sports event can determine the outcome.

Necesitamos sentir confianza en nuestro liderazgo durante estos tiempos difíciles.

English translation of Necesitamos sentir confianza en nuestro liderazgo durante estos tiempos difíciles.

We need to feel confidence in our leadership during these challenging times.

Used when expressing faith in leadership during times of crisis.

Si puedes sentir confianza en ti mismo, podrás superar cualquier obstáculo.

English translation of Si puedes sentir confianza en ti mismo, podrás superar cualquier obstáculo.

If you can feel confidence in yourself, you can overcome any obstacle.

An affirmation which consolidates the role of self-confidence in overcoming obstacles.

La clave para sentir confianza es estar preparado.

English translation of La clave para sentir confianza es estar preparado.

The key to feeling confident is being prepared.

A phrase highlighting the importance of preparedness as a source of confidence.

El mentor tiene la habilidad de hacerme sentir confianza en mis habilidades.

English translation of El mentor tiene la habilidad de hacerme sentir confianza en mis habilidades.

The mentor has the ability to make me feel confident in my skills.

Used to describe how a trusted guide or mentor can boost one's confidence in their abilities.

La manera de sentir confianza es a través de la práctica constante.

English translation of La manera de sentir confianza es a través de la práctica constante.

The way to feel confident is through constant practice.

A phrase emphasizing how consistent practice leads to confidence.

Siempre me haces sentir confianza cuando hablo contigo.

English translation of Siempre me haces sentir confianza cuando hablo contigo.

You always make me feel confident when I talk to you.

This phrase is used when expressing how a person enhances your confidence through their attitude or actions.

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