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sentir cansancio

English translation of sentir cansancio

feel tired

The Spanish phrase 'sentir cansancio' translates to 'feel tired' in English. It is often used in the context where one is expressing their current physical or mental state. The verb 'sentir' means 'to feel' and 'cansancio' translates to 'tiredness', so together they mean 'to feel tiredness'. This can be used in various sentences depending upon the context, for example, 'Después del ejercicio, siento cansancio' which means 'After exercise, I feel tired'.

Example sentences using: sentir cansancio

Cuando trabajo por muchas horas seguidas, empiezo a sentir cansancio.

English translation of Cuando trabajo por muchas horas seguidas, empiezo a sentir cansancio.

When I work for many hours in a row, I start to feel tired.

This sentence is expressing the speaker's state of fatigue after working for an extended period of time. It emphasizes the cause and effect relationship between long hours of work and feeling tired.

Después de un largo viaje, es normal sentir cansancio.

English translation of Después de un largo viaje, es normal sentir cansancio.

After a long trip, it is normal to feel tired.

This sentence is explaining a common physiological reaction to a lengthy journey. It sets an expectation that fatigue is a normal response after a long trip.

Si empiezas a sentir cansancio mientras estudias, es mejor que tomes un descanso.

English translation of Si empiezas a sentir cansancio mientras estudias, es mejor que tomes un descanso.

If you start to feel tired while studying, it's best that you take a break.

This sentence provides advice regarding how to handle fatigue while studying. It suggests that when signs of tiredness start to appear, a pause or rest is recommended.

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