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English translation of senado


The Spanish word 'senado' translates to 'senate' in English. The term is most commonly used in political contexts to refer to a legislative or governing body. In a broader sense, a senate represents the upper house or chamber in a bicameral legislature, typically having a smaller membership and often more authority than the lower house. The term originates from the Roman Empire, where the senate was the advisory council of the ancient Roman republic.

Example sentences using: senado

El senado aprobó la ley de igualdad de género.

English translation of El senado aprobó la ley de igualdad de género.

The senate approved the gender equality law.

This sentence indicates the Spanish word 'senado' being used in a context where a body of government (the Senate) is confirming or validating a particular law. Here, it is the gender equality law.

Mi tío trabaja en el senado.

English translation of Mi tío trabaja en el senado.

My uncle works in the senate.

In this example, 'senado' is used to denote a place of work. The subject's uncle is employed at the Senate. This can be a government Senate or any kind of senate depending on the context.

Los asientos del senado están vacíos.

English translation of Los asientos del senado están vacíos.

The seats of the senate are empty.

This sentence uses 'senado' to refer to a location, specifically a space where senators convene to discuss and make decisions. The adjective 'vacíos' implies absence or emptiness, meaning that there are no senators present at this time.

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