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English translation of sembrar

to sow

The Spanish word 'sembrar' translates to 'to sow' in English. This term is frequently used in an agricultural context, but it can also be used metaphorically. For instance, you might sembrar seeds in the ground, which means you are sowing seeds. Alternatively, you could also sembrar an idea in someone's mind, which means you are planting an idea.

Example sentences using: sembrar

Necesito sembrar las semillas en el jardín.

English translation of Necesito sembrar las semillas en el jardín.

I need to sow the seeds in the garden.

This sentence is used when someone needs to plant or sow seeds in a garden, the verb 'sembrar' is used to refer to the action of planting seeds.

Es tiempo de sembrar las flores para la primavera.

English translation of Es tiempo de sembrar las flores para la primavera.

It's time to sow the flowers for spring.

This phrase can be used when it's the right season to plant or sow flowers that will bloom in spring, trumpeting their arrival. The verb 'sembrar' is used to refer to the action of sowing or planting here.

¡Vamos a sembrar esperanzas para un mejor futuro!

English translation of ¡Vamos a sembrar esperanzas para un mejor futuro!

Let's sow hopes for a better future!

This sentence could metaphorically use 'sembrar' as a means to express the action of promoting or fostering hope with the aim of achieving a better future. Typically, 'sembrar' refers to planting or sowing, but in this context, it is used symbolically.

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