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English translation of selva


The Spanish word 'selva' translates to 'jungle' in English. Derived from the Latin word 'silva', 'selva' typically refers to a large unexplored region covered with dense vegetation, often in the tropics. The 'selva' is characterised by high levels of biodiversity and is home to a variety of animals and plant species. It plays a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem by contributing hugely to the planet's oxygen production.

Example sentences using: selva

La selva amazónica es increíblemente diversa

English translation of La selva amazónica es increíblemente diversa

The Amazon rainforest is incredibly diverse

This sentence is simply stating a fact about the biodiversity of the Amazon rainforest, which is often referred to as 'la selva amazónica' in Spanish.

Me perdí en la selva durante nuestro viaje a Costa Rica

English translation of Me perdí en la selva durante nuestro viaje a Costa Rica

I got lost in the jungle during our trip to Costa Rica

In this sentence, 'la selva' is used to refer to the dense forests or 'jungle' in Costa Rica. It implies that the speaker had an adventurous, albeit potentially dangerous experience.

Debemos proteger la selva para conservar la biodiversidad

English translation of Debemos proteger la selva para conservar la biodiversidad

We should protect the jungle to conserve biodiversity

This sentence expresses the need to protect 'la selva', or 'the jungle', in order to preserve diverse species of plants and animals. It is a call to action for environmental conservation.

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