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seleccionar una palabra

English translation of seleccionar una palabra

select a word

The Spanish phrase 'seleccionar una palabra' translates to 'select a word' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts such as in computer instructions or educational contexts. In computer instructions, it might be used to instruct someone to choose a specific word from a list or drop-down menu. In educational contexts, such as language learning or literacy development, it could be used in exercises that require students to pick a specific word from a text. The verb 'seleccionar', like many Spanish verbs, should be conjugated to agree with the subject.

Example sentences using: seleccionar una palabra

Yo necesito seleccionar una palabra para el juego de Scrabble.

English translation of Yo necesito seleccionar una palabra para el juego de Scrabble.

I need to select a word for the Scrabble game.

In this sentence, 'seleccionar una palabra' is used to express the action of choosing a word, specifically for a game of Scrabble. This phrase emphasizes the action of making a selection from a set of possible options.

Es difícil seleccionar una palabra cuando tienes muchas opciones.

English translation of Es difícil seleccionar una palabra cuando tienes muchas opciones.

It's hard to select a word when you have many options.

Here, 'seleccionar una palabra' is used to illustrate the difficulty of making a decision when presented with many options. This is a common phrase that can be applied in many different contexts.

Vamos a seleccionar una palabra al azar de este libro.

English translation of Vamos a seleccionar una palabra al azar de este libro.

We are going to select a word at random from this book.

In this instance, 'seleccionar una palabra' is used to describe the process of randomly choosing a word from a book. The phrase 'al azar' is the Spanish equivalent of 'at random', indicating that the selection will be unpredictable.

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