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seguro público

English translation of seguro público

public insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro público' translates to 'public insurance' in English. This refers to a system where the government provides protection against certain types of loss, such as illness, old age, or unemployment for its citizens. In such a system, the government takes on the role of the insurer and benefits are funded by taxes. This is generally handled by a public agency and is regulated by law, ensuring coverage for all qualifying citizens.

Example sentences using: seguro público

El seguro público es una opción para quienes no pueden pagar un seguro privado.

English translation of El seguro público es una opción para quienes no pueden pagar un seguro privado.

Public insurance is an option for those who cannot afford private insurance.

This sentence explains that public insurance is an alternative option for those who are not able to pay for private health insurance, typically due to financial constraints.

Mi mamá trabaja en el sector de seguro público.

English translation of Mi mamá trabaja en el sector de seguro público.

My mom works in the public insurance sector.

In this statement, the speaker is informing that their mother is employed within the public insurance industry, which could include roles related to policy planning, customer service, or health care provision.

El hospital acepta seguro público para todos los tratamientos.

English translation of El hospital acepta seguro público para todos los tratamientos.

The hospital accepts public insurance for all treatments.

This phrase communicates that a specific hospital accepts public insurance when paying for any treatments they offer, indicating that it is accessible for those with such coverage.

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