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seguro de enfermedad

English translation of seguro de enfermedad

health insurance

The Spanish term 'seguro de enfermedad' translates to 'health insurance' in English. Health insurance is coverage that pays for medical, surgical, and sometimes dental expenses incurred by the insured. Health insurance can reimburse the insured for expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the care provider directly.

Example sentences using: seguro de enfermedad

Mi seguro de enfermedad viene incluido con mi trabajo.

English translation of Mi seguro de enfermedad viene incluido con mi trabajo.

My health insurance is included with my job.

This sentence is conveying that the individual's health insurance is a benefit received from their employment. In some jobs, especially full-time positions, health insurance is often a part of the compensation package.

Estoy buscando un seguro de enfermedad más asequible.

English translation of Estoy buscando un seguro de enfermedad más asequible.

I am looking for a more affordable health insurance.

This sentence means that the speaker is searching for a health insurance plan that is less costly. This could be because they are currently paying more than they can afford, or they simply want to reduce their allocated budget for health insurance.

El seguro de enfermedad es obligatorio en algunos países.

English translation of El seguro de enfermedad es obligatorio en algunos países.

Health insurance is mandatory in some countries.

This statement mentions that in certain countries, possessing health insurance is not optional. These countries have laws requiring residents to have a certain level of health coverage. This is aimed at ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare facilities when they need them.

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