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English translation of segundo


The word 'segundo' is used in the Spanish language to refer to the second item in a sequence or list. It can be used in various contexts to describe time, order of events, ranking, etc. It's an adjective and it must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies. For example, 'el segundo libro' means 'the second book'.

Example sentences using: segundo

Un día tiene veinticuatro horas y cada hora tiene sesenta segundos.

English translation of Un día tiene veinticuatro horas y cada hora tiene sesenta segundos.

A day has twenty-four hours and each hour has sixty seconds.

In this example, 'segundo' is used in a context of time measurement. Here, it is referring to the unit second, which is a basic time unit in the International System of Units.

Es el segundo hombre más rico del mundo.

English translation of Es el segundo hombre más rico del mundo.

He is the second-richest man in the world.

Here, 'segundo' is used to express the ordinal number 'second' in Spanish. It is in a context describing rankings or sequences, indicating this man's position in the global wealth standings.

English translation of En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pasó un segundo y todo cambió.

In the blink of an eye, a second passed and everything changed.

'Segundo' is used in a time context to indicate the passing of a unit of time also known as second. The example is existential and illustrates the idea of a turning point or sudden change.

Es necesario que consideres tu plan de segundas opciones.

English translation of Es necesario que consideres tu plan de segundas opciones.

You need to consider your back-up plan.

In this sentence, 'segundo' comes into 'segundas opciones' which directly translates to 'second options'. It refers to alternative or backup plans the person can consider if the primary plan does not work.

Ese segundo piso es donde vive mi hermana.

English translation of Ese segundo piso es donde vive mi hermana.

That second floor is where my sister lives.

In this context, 'segundo' specifies a floor's position ordered from the ground up. It informs the listener where someone (the speaker's sister) resides.

El segundo platillo que pedí estaba delicioso.

English translation of El segundo platillo que pedí estaba delicioso.

The second dish I ordered was delightful.

'Segundo' is used in restaurant or food situation to indicate the order of the dishes someone ordered, in this case, indicating a pleasing experience of the speaker about the second dish.

Faltan solo dos segundos para terminar el juego.

English translation of Faltan solo dos segundos para terminar el juego.

Only two seconds left to finish the game.

The word 'segundos' here is used within the context of counting down time to the end of a game. It's a unit of time, indicating the immediacy of the event (game ending).

Ella vive en la segunda casa a la derecha.

English translation of Ella vive en la segunda casa a la derecha.

She lives in the second house on the right.

'Segunda' in this context is used to designate a position or order of houses on a street, helping to give directions.

Trabajo en el segundo turno en la fábrica.

English translation of Trabajo en el segundo turno en la fábrica.

I work in the second shift at the factory.

'Segundo' describes the sequence of shifts, helping to specify the speaker's work schedule. This use of second is common in referencing the order of events or stages.

No me importa lo que piensen los demás, tú siempre serás el primero en mi vida y tu hermano el segundo.

English translation of No me importa lo que piensen los demás, tú siempre serás el primero en mi vida y tu hermano el segundo.

I don't care what others think, you will always be first in my life and your brother second.

In this sentence, 'segundo' is used as an ordinal number to indicate the ranking or position of individuals in the speaker's life. Here, it gives information about the speaker's preference or emotions.

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