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English translation of según


The Spanish word 'según' translates to 'according' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of 'according to someone or something', for instance, 'según la profesora' would mean 'according to the teacher'. Just as in English, 'según' is used to indicate that something one says is information or opinion received from another, or inferred from something said or done by another. 'Según' is thus quite versatile and commonly used in written and spoken Spanish.

Example sentences using: según

Según mi profesor, debo estudiar más.

English translation of Según mi profesor, debo estudiar más.

According to my teacher, I should study more.

This sentence is telling us that based on what the teacher said ('according to my teacher'), the recommended action is to study more. 'Según' here is used to account someone else's perspective or point of view.

Según el informe, el clima será caluroso mañana.

English translation of Según el informe, el clima será caluroso mañana.

According to the report, the weather will be hot tomorrow.

In this example, 'según' is being used to reference information obtained from a report. The weather forecast (from the report) predicts hot weather for tomorrow.

Según él, nunca llegué a tiempo.

English translation of Según él, nunca llegué a tiempo.

According to him, I never arrived on time.

This example shows 'según' being used to indicate a person's perspective. Here, the speaker is referencing another individual's claim that they were always late.

Según ella, el pastel está delicioso.

English translation of Según ella, el pastel está delicioso.

According to her, the cake is delicious.

In this particular sentence, 'según' is used to share other person's impression or opinion (in this case, about the cake's taste).

Según mi horario, el entrenamiento empieza a las 5.

English translation of Según mi horario, el entrenamiento empieza a las 5.

According to my schedule, the training starts at 5.

Here, 'según' is being used to indicate the source of the given information, which is the speaker's schedule. The speaker is using that schedule to determine what time the training starts.

Según la carta, el próximo concierto será en Madrid.

English translation of Según la carta, el próximo concierto será en Madrid.

According to the letter, the next concert will be in Madrid.

This phrase uses 'según' to denote where the information about the concert location comes from - the letter. It helps to denote the source of the information.

Según los expertos, es necesario practicar diariamente para aprender un idioma.

English translation of Según los expertos, es necesario practicar diariamente para aprender un idioma.

According to experts, it's necessary to practice daily to learn a language.

In this sentence, 'según' is introducing an opinion or assertion made by experts. Here, the advice or recommendation is provided based on what experts have stated.

Según mis cálculos, deberíamos llegar a las 3.

English translation of Según mis cálculos, deberíamos llegar a las 3.

According to my calculations, we should arrive at 3.

In this case, 'según' is being used to indicate that the prediction of the arrival time is based on the speaker's calculations. It attributes the source of the estimation.

Según la leyenda, este lugar está encantado.

English translation of Según la leyenda, este lugar está encantado.

According to the legend, this place is enchanted.

This sentence uses 'según' to attribute the claim about the place being enchanted to a legend. The phrase helps to denote the source of the belief or information.

Según tus instrucciones, he organizado todo.

English translation of Según tus instrucciones, he organizado todo.

According to your instructions, I organized everything.

In this sentence, the word 'según' is attributing the organizing based on the referenced instructions. This shows that the speaker has followed the instructions given by another person to organize.

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