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seguir un tratamiento

English translation of seguir un tratamiento

follow a treatment

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un tratamiento' translates to 'follow a treatment' in English. This can be used within a medical context or in everyday conversation. It implies the continuous act of adhering to prescribed instructions, typically referring to medication or some form of therapy. It can also be used broadly to/include any routine or steps to be followed for maintaining or improving health and well-being.

Example sentences using: seguir un tratamiento

Es importante seguir un tratamiento después de la cirugía

English translation of Es importante seguir un tratamiento después de la cirugía

It is important to follow a treatment after surgery

This sentence is referring to the necessity of adhering to a prescribed medical regimen following a surgical procedure, highlighting the importance of post-operative care.

El médico sugirió que Pedro debería seguir un tratamiento para su condición

English translation of El médico sugirió que Pedro debería seguir un tratamiento para su condición

The doctor suggested that Pedro should follow a treatment for his condition

This sentence contains a suggestion from a doctor to a person named Pedro. It underscores the crucial role that medical professionals play in recommending treatment plans for various health conditions.

Si no puedes seguir un tratamiento, debes hablar con tu médico inmediatamente

English translation of Si no puedes seguir un tratamiento, debes hablar con tu médico inmediatamente

If you can't follow a treatment, you should talk to your doctor immediately

This sentence emphasizes the importance of open communication with healthcare providers, particularly if a person is unable or unwilling to adhere to a prescribed treatment.

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