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English translation of segregar


The Spanish word 'segregar' translates to 'segregate' in English. In both languages, the term refers to the action of setting someone, something, or a group apart from others. It implies dividing or excluding certain entities from a collective or separating distinctive items or individuals. Although it doesn't carry an inherently negative connotation, its usage often pertains to discussions around social and racial segregation, where it is usually viewed as a discriminatory or unfair practice.

Example sentences using: segregar

La ley permite segregar los fondos para diferentes proyectos.

English translation of La ley permite segregar los fondos para diferentes proyectos.

The law allows segregating funds for different projects.

In this sentence, 'segregar' is used to express the idea of separating or distinguishing funds for different projects. The context could be in a business situation where the company has to allocate funds for diverse initiatives.

La escuela decidió no segregar a los estudiantes por su rendimiento académico.

English translation of La escuela decidió no segregar a los estudiantes por su rendimiento académico.

The school decided not to segregate students by their academic performance.

In this case, 'segregar' refers to the policy of separating or distinguishing students according to their academic performance. The school, however, decided not to follow such a policy indicating an inclusive educational approach.

Es importante segregar los residuos para un correcto reciclaje.

English translation of Es importante segregar los residuos para un correcto reciclaje.

It's important to segregate waste for proper recycling.

Here, 'segregar' is used in the context of environmental care, specifically referring to the separation of waste by type to ensure its correct recycling.

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