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segmento de la sociedad

English translation of segmento de la sociedad

segment of society

The Spanish phrase 'segmento de la sociedad' translates to English as 'segment of society'. It is usually used to refer to a specific portion or group within a larger societal body. This could include definitions based on income level, age, profession, or any other factors used to distinguish groups within a society. It's often used in sociological analyses as well as marketing and business strategies to identify and target specific groups.

Example sentences using: segmento de la sociedad

El segmento de la sociedad más afectado por esta crisis económica ha sido el de los trabajadores de bajos ingresos.

English translation of El segmento de la sociedad más afectado por esta crisis económica ha sido el de los trabajadores de bajos ingresos.

The segment of society most affected by this economic crisis has been low-income workers.

This sentence is stating that the portion of society, specifically low-income workers, has been the group most negatively impacted by an economic crisis.

Los políticos deben prestar más atención a este segmento de la sociedad.

English translation of Los políticos deben prestar más atención a este segmento de la sociedad.

Politicians should pay more attention to this segment of society.

This sentence is suggesting that politicians need to give more regard and consideration to a particular group within society.

El segmento de la sociedad que visita más a menudo el teatro es el de la tercera edad.

English translation of El segmento de la sociedad que visita más a menudo el teatro es el de la tercera edad.

The segment of society that most often visits the theater is the elderly.

This sentence is stating that elderly people represent the group within society that most frequently goes to the theater.

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