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sede central

English translation of sede central


The Spanish term 'sede central' translates to 'headquarters' in English. It is a noun, commonly used in a business or organizational context to refer to the main office, building, or location where the key administrative functions are carried out. This is typically where the highest-ranking members of the organization, such as executives or management teams, have their primary offices, and is often where important company decisions are made. It could be the home base of an organization or the place where the group's main activities are coordinated.

Example sentences using: sede central

La sede central de la empresa está ubicada en Madrid.

English translation of La sede central de la empresa está ubicada en Madrid.

The company's headquarters is located in Madrid.

This sentence provides an example of how to say where the main office or 'headquarters' (sede central) of a company is located. In this case, the headquarters is in Madrid.

Tendremos una reunión en la sede central esta tarde.

English translation of Tendremos una reunión en la sede central esta tarde.

We will have a meeting at the headquarters this afternoon.

The example details a future event (a meeting) that will take place in the 'headquarters' (sede central). It uses future tense to express the event that will occur.

Nuestra sede central es la más grande de todas nuestras oficinas.

English translation of Nuestra sede central es la más grande de todas nuestras oficinas.

Our headquarters is the largest of all our offices.

This sentence gives information about the size of the 'headquarters' (sede central) in relation to the other offices of the company. It uses the superlative form to compare the size of the different offices.

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